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Although the marketing of LASIK focuses on quality of life, informed consent never does. Instead, the real risks are hidden in medical jargon that never mentions their true effects, particularly severe depression and suicidal ideation.
Ghosting, no loss of contrast sensitivity
Starbursting at Dawn
Ghosted Text
Starbursting, with weak halo
Starbursting, no loss of Contrast Sensitivity
Triple-ghosted Scrabble board
A Finnish study found that particles of various sizes and reflectivity were clinically visible in 38.7% of eyes examined via slit lamp biomicroscopy, but apparent in 100% of eyes using confocal microscopy.
Some patients have reported large chunks of metal in their corneas after lasik.
Watch a video of a confocal exam of another LASIK patient with an extraordinary amount of metallic debris from the LASIK microkeratome blade.
LASIK Blade Leaves Metal Under Flap
LASIK flap disintegrates during lifting
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